Knowledge Sharing in Organisations: What are the benefits of Knowledge Sharing? - KPS

What are the benefits of Knowledge Sharing?

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The benefits of developing a knowledge sharing culture in any industry facilitates the transfer of invaluable tacit knowledge from experienced employees and make it available to all those who need it. The benefits of knowledge sharing are to effectively leverage your intellectual capital, the biggest asset for any company.

Enabling a process, particularly through the use of a knowledge management software, allows employees to provide feedback, suggest edits or request new knowledge, ensuring all employees feel valued. Those with the tacit knowledge can be recognised for their efforts in providing much needed information to all that require it, empowering them to continue the good work.

Knowledge exchange can only be effective if a single platform is utilised, otherwise information and knowledge will be missed, or information duplicated. This creates an unnecessary administration over head at best or provides incorrect or incomplete information at worst and if your organisation is customer facing, the implications of providing incorrect information can be far reaching.

Remote working and hybrid working has pushed the knowledge sharing requirement to the fore, relying on a colleague’s instant knowledge and availability is not practical, a knowledge sharing platform and culture must be implemented to ensure employees can do their jobs and customers can be well served.

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