What is a Knowledge Management System? - KPS

What is a Knowledge Management System?

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Knowledge management includes the collection, analysis, dissemination, and general management of all information that is possessed by an organization. A Knowledge Management System carries out these functions and follows best practices to deliver optimal results for the organization using it in an efficient and effective manner. By definition, a Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a system for applying and using knowledge management principles to typically enable employees and customers to create, share and find relevant information quickly. Typical functionality includes;

  • Content capture/upload and/or leveraging of existing content sources
  • Advanced searching, including natural language, keyword and parameter led
  • The ability to effectively capture tacit knowledge
  • Insights into content use, knowledge gaps and user adoption levels

Therefore, a Knowledge Management System facilitates, supports and automates key areas of the knowledge management process by providing data capture functionality, configurable processes, and the means to analyze, monitor, and share data, information, and organizational knowledge.

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