KPS knowledge management software can be integrated into your existing tech in a matter of days - KPS

Quick to Deploy Knowledge Management Software

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Implemented in Days… Not Months

KPS knowledge management software can be integrated into your existing technology platform in a matter of days. This helps shorten your implementation cycle and costs.

Key to this is the software’s ability to index and use your existing sources of information, without you having to re-purpose content. This speeds up the implementation and eliminates the need for large content re-write exercises.

Our Deployment Cycle Keeps it Simple

Our implementation process is designed to minimise the resources required to go live and achieve an effective solution in the shortest possible time.

First, we map your existing knowledge base, identifying sources and ownership. We then configure the knowledge management interface to index all your existing sources, while at the same time creating a taxonomy and knowledge hierarchy that will make this easy to maintain. We also develop user profiles and visibility rules to suit your needs. Finally, we implement the user interface to suit the intended user base – service agents, end users undertaking self-service, or both.

This process is iterative, simple, and effective, and gives you a live system within days of getting started.

KPS Knowledge Management Software is also:

Easy To Integrate >> | Simple To Use >>|Easy To Maintain >> |Enhancing Self Service >> | Social Media Ready >>

To find out more about our knowledge management software, please contact us >>

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