Universal Knowledge V4.4 Press Release - KPS

Universal Knowledge V4.4 Press Release

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Knowledge Powered Solutions extends customer interactions with its new “Personalised Knowledge Management” release.

Cheshire, UK – August 2015:  Knowledge Powered Solutions Ltd (KPS), provider of Knowledge Management Software to many Fortune 500 companies today announced a major new release of its software.  Functionally rich with an enhanced user interface, that can be easily configured to provide personalised Knowledge Management for staff, customers and clients.  In addition companies can also now be pro-active in their customer service delivery by understanding what questions their customers are asking and solutions they are seeking.

Knowledge Powered Solutions, announce the release of Universal Knowledge 4.4 representing a new era in Knowledge Management software.  Universal Knowledge now also offers companies the ability to provide a customer portal without the need to be highly technical.  Users all have their own preferences in how they find an answer or ask a question, so KPS have developed a rich user interface, which offers the user the power to choose how they find knowledge.  In addition the personalised Knowledge Management Customer Portal allows greater customer service engagement and can be used stand alone, integrated with any customer engagement tool or embedded within any company website or intranet.  Multi channel engagement is facilitated by the ability to push out channel appropriate responses direct from the knowledge base.

Can you personalise your customer’s interaction with a knowledge base?

By understanding every interaction with the knowledge base, regardless of channel, Universal Knowledge is able to provide users with a personalised experience.  User specific notifications can be pushed out, with full audit trail of who has received and read the information.  Documents lists can be filtered to show individual or global views across user selectable periods, whilst adhering to security profiles.

Are you enhancing your customer’s user experience?

Browsable topic trees, step-by-step troubleshooting flows, dynamic top documents lists and the context based, natural language search functionality have all been enhanced to provide a powerful user experience, which delivers answers to questions and solutions to problems, quickly.  No two users will ask the same question in the same way.  Universal Knowledge will not only understand the context of the question but will continue to derive context and learn from each question is asked.

With Universal 4.4, KPS have enhanced this powerful search with the ability to perform more structured searching.  Exact word and phrase matching ensures users retrieve the exact documents they wish to find.  Being able to further filter the solutions list once retrieved, provides the user with unrivalled flexibility in accessing the required documents.

How easy is it for my organisation to offer this advanced knowledge management software?

Being easy to use should also apply to the set up and ongoing maintenance of a knowledge base.  Visibility on usage, including who has read the alerts which have been sent out and knowledge gap identification are key to maximising resource to get the most out of the knowledge base.  Workflow for publishing knowledge has been enhanced to provide multi step reviews and approvals, should that be appropriate.  Audit trails with timelines for each revision show the administrator the lifecycle of a document like never before.  Using valuable IT resources to help create a self service portal is no longer required, as it is now possible to configure a self service portal using a inbuilt designer, further enhancing KPS’ commitment to delivering feature rich out of the box solutions.

Key Knowledge Management product benefits

Universal Knowledge Management Software, version 4.4 allows organisations to;

  1. Increase customer satisfaction
  2. Provide consistent quality responses
  3. Decrease call handling time
  4. Improve governance
  5. Reduce training times

How well do you know your staff, customers or clients?

The key for next generation customer service is about ensuring customers can truly engage your organisation; asking questions when and where they need to find answers, at the point that is convenient to them.  By analysing what useful information the knowledge base has collected about your customers, allows any organisation to truly anticipate customer needs, meaning that you can offer the best in class customer services, providing a rewarding competitive advantage for your organisation.

About Knowledge Powered Solutions

Knowledge Powered Solutions (KPS) is an Independent Software Vendor that specialises in providing knowledge management solutions that can be deployed to customer service staff, intranet users, external customers, internal staff, partners and stakeholders.  These groups are able to access vital knowledge quickly and easily through a simple to use natural language interface. The KPS knowledge management solution, which helps to identify and fill knowledge gaps and make the solution available for future use, has been designed to put the power of the accumulated expertise and know-how of the organisation at the fingertips of these key staff whilst minimising administrative overhead.  This technology enables users to deliver significantly improved support levels to internal and external customers whilst reducing cost of service. Customers include: BT, Credit Suisse, United Health Care, Stanford University Hospital & Clinics, Department of Transport and Contact 121 (Australia).

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